Hello to all,
With the emergencies that have plagued us over the last two years, it is time that we look at what Community Wellness means to the membership of Cook’s Ferry Indian Band and create a plan going forward to address the needs of our membership via traditional knowledge, youth programs, workshops and more.
Traditional wellness is central to our goals of improving and transforming our health. Wellness to our perspective of a whole and healthy person is expressed through a sense of balance of spirit, emotion, mind and body. Also central to wellness is the belief in one’s connection to language, land, being of creation, ancestry and to support a caring family environment. It is time to look at our traditions and stop causing illness as a result of ignoring our sacred and natural laws and come together to heal.
We can accomplish this by coming together and participating in this survey which will be used to gather information and create programming from babies to Elders based on your wants and needs. Knowledge is power and this will give your voice an opportunity to create movement in programming with the Social Development department.
Our bodies become lighter, our minds sharper, and our spirits lifted, when we undergo healing, we are more equipped to help others heal since we are going through the process. We can gather and speak from places of love and light more fully instead of just places of trauma and despair.
I wish to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and complete this survey. I will be keeping you up to date once the data comes in and the programming is designed to begin what you have requested.
Warmest thanks,
Jacqueline Spies
Members can view and partake in the Wellness Survey here: https://cooksferry.ca/members/wellness-survey/
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